The Conscious Capitalism Chicago (CCC) Ambassadors are
a resource for the CCC Community. They have Conscious Capitalism
knowledge, can answer member questions, direct members to the right
resources, and connect and engage with members in person, virtually
and/or on social media. We are so excited to be adding this program to
our chapter and look forward for you to meet our CCC Ambassadors!
Criteria to be an Ambassador:
Membership in Chicago Chapter
1 year Commitment
Know some basic history, pillars, general CC knowledge
Required to read Conscious Capitalism book or Conscious Leadership book
Strongly Recommend Ambassadors attend CC 101 (25% discount provided!)
Enthusiastic and strong interest in CC
Options of Engagement: (Choose a minimum of 2)
Share and Tag Posts about CCC on Social Media
Attend at least two Meet & Greet events each year
Assist with check-in and greeting attendees at in-person events
Each quarter ask 2-4 people you don't know to join you for virtual coffee
Make 4 introductions from one member to another member per quarter
Speak with 3 people you do not know at live events
If you meet the criteria and are interested in being a CCC Ambassador,
please send an email to and we'll reach back out soon.